Sorry. I have the utmost respect for all of you that work full time and still run a family. I've been starting at 9 (meaning I have to leave before 8) and finishing at 3 (getting home after 4.30) and am exhausted! There is no way I could do more hours, so a huge round to those that do!
Anyway, not having much to say (what else is new?!) I'll post some more holiday snaps. This time from wet and wild. I think that this is the park that I actually got the most shots, and some of them are classics LOL, though I don't think the subjects would appreciate me posting here LOL.
Julieanne having a ball at Buccaneers bay (sp?). Good thing the water was heated, as I think the temperature only got to about 20 degrees. It was a lot of fun though, and as long as you stayed out of the wind, it wasn't too bad. The wave pool was a little cold though, but the hot spas were fantastic!Can you tell she doesn't like the water in her face. I was very proud that she did go down some little slides though. No way was she doing the bigger ones though. She climbed all the way to the top to 2 of them only to chicken out at the last minute, not that I blame her LOL.
Wayne and Stewart going down one. Have no idea how Stewart is sitting, but it looks mighty awkward ROFLOL!
And this is Wayne and his brother being dumped on by the big bucket in the children's park. It was fantastic, and the kids (the old ones as well LOL) loved it.