Friday, July 28, 2006

Smelly House

Thanks to Julieanne being sick last night.. I was up from 2.30 to 7 am (when I snuck back in bed for 2 hours). She came home from school yesterday complaining about a sore ear, so I thought that I might of needed to take the day off for that, little did I know, it was going to turn out into a definite day of. Oh well, not a total loss I did manage to get this

done. CC welcome as always. Papers and brushes by Anna Aspnes. This is when Julieanne had her first ever face paint last year. I think that she has had it done at least another 2 times since then.

Umm... what else? Oh, I'm now a published scrapper lol. Picked up the new For keeps this week with my Lo in. I'm a little disappointed with how it looks in there, the colous look terrible (ok, they are a bit garish lol). I've got this one printed professionally, and it does look a LOT better thank goodness! I've got another one coming in the next issue, so I'm hoping that it looks a little better :)

Ok, that will do for now TFL ;)

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Toot toot (well maybe)

lol, checked my inbox this morning and had 2 messages from Krys at scrapbook memories. I'd submitted 4 for the black and white theme, and it turns out that this

was being considered. Don't really like the way they say that.. it means that I'm still not 100% sure if it is actually accepted lol. The second message was letting me know that this

is being "considered" (that darn word again) for their teen theme, which I didn't even know about lol. Anyway the day got of to a good start, and just had to let you all know.

Still on the submission front, still waiting for the new issue of For Keeps, which has my first ever published lol in it, lol, I've got another one coming in the issue after that too! lol.. ok that's enough gloating for now ;)

Oh and miss Lee, if you'd re read the previous post, you'd see how much the lights were lol ;)

Monday, July 24, 2006

The lights

Just because Miss L, asked for it I'll share what lights I used for the last photo (don't you feel special L? ;) lol).

They are just some basic 500 watt halogen (sp?) ones that I picked up at Bunnings (I saw them there on the weekend for $25). I also use a shower curtain in front of them to diffuse the light (just need to be careful not to get them too close, as they get VERY hot!). I did the home studio course at dsp, and this is what we were told to use.. lol, looks very shonky but seems to do the job... just as long as I remember to set the custom white balance that is. I even managed to get some half decent shots of some seats to put in the 'recaro' catalogue that the inlaws sell (well, as interesting as car seats get!)

Gee... I really want to take some more photos now... might just have to start the generator up to run them ;)... This green power really gives me the poops!

On a different note, I just put Julieanne to bed and got out all the notices that she gets on a Monday, and found a peronalised envelope in there.. being the pessimist that I am, I naturally think it's bad news, but it actually turned out to be a letter informing us that Julieanne has been selected to go to special luncheon at the school. Apparently 2 students from every grade get to go because of excellent work and behavior (or something along those lines lol). I hope that this is the start of something good lol, fingers crossed!

Oh and here are some photos from a few months ago. We went to the apple cider festival in wonga park... Julieanne playing in the fountain with the ducks ;)

Once again... TFL

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Ok, just wanted to share this photo with you (some of you may have seen a version of it before ;). I just found it (amongst the too many that I have hidden on my computer) and was wrapped when I did lol, still not really sure about the b&w editing, but I think it looks ok. I actually think that I took this about a year ago, when I was first trying out lighting inside. I should do some more, but the lights that I have use a TON of power, and with us running on solar power, it's a little short in winter (darn Melbourne weather lol).

TFL :)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

An early morning....

Not seven o'clock yet and I'm up at this computer.... do I have a problem or what?!? LOL. Had a brainwave last night in bed for a layout, so got up with Wayne to have a go, but got sidetracked with this blogging... LOL, I thought that I'd better post something with a little more substance than my last one (well as substantial as my posts get ;)!).

Ummm...ok, well what can I write about? Went 4x4ing on the weekend with one of dh's friends... I think that I must be getting old, because I've turned into a real nervous nelly lol, although must admit that a car nearly going over the edge is worthy of some panic!! I generally just like going for the drive in the bush, with a couple of bumps.. none of this serious stuff :(... In the end, Wayne managed to get him back on dryish ground. I think next time I'll stay home and attempt to do some scrapping lol, Wayne will probably want to stay too ;).

Also managed to get 2 LO's done for some challenges at MAC. Seems that I need to scrap someone's else's photos, to actually get me to do something LOL.

Think that might be all for now.. turned out to be more than I thought. Hope that some of you are still with me, even though you really have better things to be doing... go and do them NOW!! lol!

Monday, July 10, 2006

For Lee ;)

Ok, here is my post...

Done ;)

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Another photo, and a Layout!

Yes that's right, I actually managed to get one done today! Yay! Not too sure about it, but then I'm never sure about any that I do.

For some reason, blogger won't let me insert more than 4 photo in a post, so I had to create a new one to add this extra photo, bit of a pain as it seems to take AGES.. does anyone else find it slow?

Anyway, this is where we were staying on the Broadwater.. well across the road anyway, we did have a roof over our heads LOL. It was very nice, and a shame that we didn't have more time to explore futher. This shot was actually quickly taken one night after coming home from wet and wild. I ventured out on my own, as everyone else was to lazy! So it was a super quick shot, as I felt really self conscious of being out there be myself and my tripod (really need to get used to taking that!)

The LO from the animal farm shots... didn't use the tongue one as the main.. thought that I should actually get her face in. CC most welcome.


It's been a while....

Sorry. I have the utmost respect for all of you that work full time and still run a family. I've been starting at 9 (meaning I have to leave before 8) and finishing at 3 (getting home after 4.30) and am exhausted! There is no way I could do more hours, so a huge round to those that do!
Anyway, not having much to say (what else is new?!) I'll post some more holiday snaps. This time from wet and wild. I think that this is the park that I actually got the most shots, and some of them are classics LOL, though I don't think the subjects would appreciate me posting here LOL.

Julieanne having a ball at Buccaneers bay (sp?). Good thing the water was heated, as I think the temperature only got to about 20 degrees. It was a lot of fun though, and as long as you stayed out of the wind, it wasn't too bad. The wave pool was a little cold though, but the hot spas were fantastic!Can you tell she doesn't like the water in her face. I was very proud that she did go down some little slides though. No way was she doing the bigger ones though. She climbed all the way to the top to 2 of them only to chicken out at the last minute, not that I blame her LOL.

Wayne and Stewart going down one. Have no idea how Stewart is sitting, but it looks mighty awkward ROFLOL!

And this is Wayne and his brother being dumped on by the big bucket in the children's park. It was fantastic, and the kids (the old ones as well LOL) loved it.