Then after dropping Julieanne off, I made my way to the factory. They are in the process of moving so you'd assume there would be heaps to do... LOL, I did manage to whip up a moving flyer for them, and send it off to a couple of people. Good thing it only took me about 10 mins to do, because I must have spent about 45 minutes trying to get the printer to work with my laptop.. no such luck! The disk with the software was for a mac, and the windows version had already been packed! Had to do it the long way round and save to cd (as all the memory cards were missing too).
For those interested here is the result
Julieanne was in foul mood when I picked her up after school because I wouldn't let her play on the play equipment.. I think mainly because she's not feeling the best. I took her to the docs yesterday because she was complaining about her ears. Turns out they did have a bit of fluid in there, and we can't have that next week... Queensland here we come!